About Xpert Painting Plus

House painting, whether exterior or interior, goes a long way. When you feel it is time to give your place a fresh coat of paint, it is time to contact Professional Painting Services. We are a painting company that offers several services to customers in the Mcdonough, GA and the cities around. We love to make sure that we are providing each of our customers with excellence.

Interior and exterior painting are not the only things that we offer. We do many other things, including carpentry, siding repair, pressure washing, gutter treatments, and so much more. We can even remove any wallpaper from the walls inside of your home. Since we offer so much, we must pay close attention to detail at all times. Contact us today for an estimate!

When you're looking for a fresh coat of paint, look no further than Xpert Painting Plus. We are a trusted source for interior and exterior painting in McDonough, GA., for residential and commercial properties. We do more than just painting; our other services include carpentry, siding repair, pressure washing, gutter treatments, and so much more. We can even remove any wallpaper from the walls inside your home. We prioritize a high attention to detail and commitment to on-time job completion.

Xpert Painting Plus